Yesterday, images surfaced on the internet of Elsa and Anna in Frozen 2 from what appears to be a Russian calendar. This come from Instagram user @chocolatiey.

dLet’s be clear, this is not an official image released by Disney, and since it isn’t many have questioned the validity of the picture. With that being said, we’ve seen images from overseas product release first just like with the recent Avengers: Endgame images.

Nothing is revealed from the plot but Kristen Bell did have this to say in a recent interview:

“You’ll see new characters and you will see…you’ll know from my perspective what I did with Jen the writer, what she did with me rather, was she was so collaborative on the first one. We sat down as she was writing the second one and she said ‘ya know you had a hand in creating this character. What do you think her next step should be? What’s her next hurdle, her next epiphany. What do you go through that’s similar to her?’ I told her a lot of things that I had personally been going through and why I thought that resonated with what I think Anna would be feeling and she wrote that into the script.”

We’re expecting an official teaser from Disney for Frozen 2 soon. Frozen 2 hits theaters November 22, 2019.