Vampiro was a legend in the pro wrestling sphere. If not for WCW’s power vacuum at the top, he might have been a top star in that company. Thanks to Sting and some interesting storytelling, my first wrestling memory is of Vampiro. Ian Hodgkinson, the man behind Vampiro, has a fascinating story to tell inside and outside of the ring. This documentary Nail In The Coffin: The Fall And Rise Of Vampiro gives the man his due.

Nail In The Coffin: The Fall And Rise of Vampiro Is Not Your Average Pro Wrestling Doc

If you thought this was going to be the regular old wrestling documentary that closely follows the plot of The Wrestler, you’re wrong. There’s no one quite like Vampiro in the lexicon of wrestling. He’s worked with The Misfits, Milli Vanilli, AAA, Lucha Underground, and he lives in a remote part of Canada. What does all that add together to make? This documentary. Through all of his struggles and work that he does now, Hodgkinson has found the time to raise a daughter. A single-parent in the bustling wrestling business should be a recipe for disaster. The documentary shows how he found his way to do it and more.

Nail In The Coffin: The Fall And Rise of Vampiro is an incredibly inspirational true story that shows us no matter how many times life tries to beat you down and break you apart, you need to rise up and conquer your demons in order to survive. And now, as we are faced with incredible challenges all around us, I can’t think of a more relevant film to remind us of the resiliency and power of the human spirit.

Patrick Ewald, CEO of Epic Pictures

Nail In The Coffin: The Fall And Rise of Vampiro releases on VOD/Digital on September 8th.

For more on this, pro wrestling, AEW, WWE, WCW, AAA, or any other general pop culture, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.