COVID-19 has delayed all productions, whether it was a movie, tv series, or animated show. One of the biggest animated series for Amazon Prime Video is also delayed.

Critical Role’s The Legend Of Vox Machina is being delayed from it’s original Fall release date. A new date wasn’t given, but the cast did reveal with the recent Kickstarter update the reasons for the delay:

Pandemic response. Like every business around the world, we are still assessing the challenges that coronavirus has created regarding resource management, scheduling, and future planning. While our teams reacted very quickly and began working from home to help alleviate the spread of the virus, adapting to our new environment has cost us a bit of time.

Localization. Many of you have asked about localization and accessibility for The Legend of Vox Machina. The series will be dubbed, subtitled, and otherwise localized for our very much global audience. This process takes time and just like other aspects of the production process, we are still figuring out how the challenges created by coronavirus are impacting the overall delivery timeline.

A Silver Lining For The Legend of Vox Machina

Now the virus did mess up the initial timeline created to get the series out this fall. But pulling it from the fall release date is actually a good thing.

The cast did mention that:

And also, as a final note, our revised timelines are generally vague to allow us breathing room, should we need it, to finalize rewards and also put the finishing touches on the animated series.

As we march closer to release and shipment dates, we’ll be sure to provide further instruction and detail so that you are completely informed along the way.

Of course, if we encounter further delays, we’ll be sure to let everyone know right here on Kickstarter.

Delaying it to have more time to finish it is actually a good idea. Hopefully, with this delay, the show can get even better.

And for the latest info on Pop Culture News, you can check out That Hashtag Show.